Long, women were resigned to pay this tribute to their pregnancy.
Physicians saw stretch marks as a benign lesion too to deserve the name of disease and they just interested in them. As for beauticians, they lacked the means necessary for a rigorous study of the problem.
Why stretch marks?
Stretch marks, aging skin disaster
It took until recently for researchers begin to systematic study the phenomenon of stretch marks and find it similar to the aging of the skin.
This approximation put seem unexpected: the skin gradually tumbled so sharply that stretch marks are installed and at any age. However, if we place ourselves in the dermis, it appears that the phenomenon is identical in both cases.
How the skin ages it?
How they stretch marks appear?
The frame's natural skin is also subject to strain during pregnancy: endocrine processes that accompany it can disrupt the activity of fibroblasts and production, as in the case of aging, then decrease the quantity and quality. The unusual mechanical tension to which the skin is subjected does the rest: the fiber network is altered and breaks into multiple locations. Correspond to breaks in these deep depressions of the fine surface of the skin stretch marks.