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What is diarrhea

The diarrhea is the emission of abundant fecal material (amount above 300 - 400 grams) of liquid or semi liquid consistency very so frequently during the day (more than three evacuation per day).
Using the diarrhea, the body eliminates harmful toxins, undigested food contaminated with bacteria or pathogens that reside in our intestines.

Diarrhea is not a classical disease like gastritis or gastro esophageal reflux, but it is a symptom; that is, the event associated with gastrointestinal illness due to bacteria, viruses, food allergies or cancer. It 's important to keep an' eye because diarrhea causes the loss of several liquids and minerals from the small intestine undigested material to lead to dehydration.

Diarrhea is often associated with other symptoms: abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea and tenesmus (a feeling of having to evacuate without being able to do so).